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Review: Ruthless Princess

Blood in. No out.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend…

I never thought my father would ask this of me, to become the second generation at Eagle Elite University, to rule with an iron fist, and to take care of anyone who gets in our way.

But ever since the incident.

Ever since Him.

There’s been a war in our little clique.

After all, a house divided cannot stand.

He’s the problem, not me.

He used to kiss me like I was his oxygen.

Now he looks at me like I’m his poison.

But we both drank it, again and again, never believing there would be a day when our love would start a war.

And our friendship would shatter into a million pieces.

Then again, the worst thing you could do in the mafia is hang on to hope that your life will be normal.

The second worse thing?

Fall in love with your best friend.


And heir to the Nicolasi throne.

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Let me tell you something. I have been in with Rachel Van Dyken and her Eagle Elite series for years. Ever since I read Elite in 2014.

And I don't even want an out.


To be totally honest, for the longest time I didn't want to read about the next generation of mafia royalty. I was afraid that it would ruin the original series I love so much. After all, what could Rachel Van Dyken possibly write about that I haven't already read in the Eagle Elite books before, right?!

Well, WRONG!

I should have just trusted Rachel to do what she does best... write amazing mafia stories with kickass heroines and deliciously hot alpha men who worship their women. I won't make that mistake again, for sure!

The first book in this new series follows Serena Abandonato and Junior Nicolasi's love/hate story. I would advise to read Royal Bully before jumping into Ruthless Princess. It's a short prequel, to get some backstory, which will help you understand what led to Serena and Junior hating each other.

Junior and Serena... what a ride of twisted up emotions, going from love to hate and back to love again. It seemed that they were doomed from the moment they fell headfirst into love for each other.

You see, there are rules established by the fathers, a.k.a the OG crew, to prevent what happened within their own ranks to happen again. They painfully realized that having relationships inside the group can tear the families apart and cause a world of rage and pain. So they forbade their children to date each other.

To break the rule is punishable by death.

Serena and Junior realized at a very young age that they shared a strong connection, which eventually turned into a love so strong, they risked everything just to be together. Sneaking around and hiding from their families, until they realized that hating each other was the only way to stay alive.

My heart seriously broke for Junior and Serena. Imagine having to hide your true feelings for the one you love most, just to protect him. Serena is strong and self-assured... I mean what else can you be when your father is Nixon Abandonato, right?! She has been raised to be fierce and deadly, prepared to one day take over her father's throne.

So what do you choose when you're torn between your heart and your family?

Junior knows his father's history with the Abandonatos, so he has to carry the heavy sins of his father on his own shoulders. For Serena he was ready to become whatever he had to, to protect her, even if that means pretending to hate the one he loves.

It was a thrilling ride full of twists and turns and RVD made me wait almost until the very end to learn Junior and Serena's fate. And let me tell you, for a moment there I was really worried, like actually scared to continue. If I'd been watching a movie I definitely would have closed my eyes... but that would be slightly difficult while reading a book.

The dynamic between the cousins was so amazing to read. They are one strong group, having each other's backs and standing united against every threat, even one coming from their own parents. The children realize that their parents made a lot of mistakes, so instead of following them blindly, they decide to make their own rules and form a new path for the Cosa Nostra in the future.

This book had so many layers to it and the characters were so different and yet had the same core values instilled in them... that loyalty goes above all else. Showing weakness to outsiders is just not an option. So it's great that they have a strong support system within the family... yes, even the bosses are softies at heart when it comes to their children. I was so happy that RVD gave me lots of Nixon and Chase and all of the original crew I love so much. Seriously, I had such a huge grin on, every time Chase was present. I just love him so much... I have read Eulogy like ten times (not even exaggerating). Can't wait for Asher's book!

Ruthless Princess is one of my favourites this year, so it's definitely a 5-star-read for me.


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