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My Favorite Harry Potter Fanfiction

Ok so, I know I haven’t really uploaded much in the last couple of months but after reading “House of Earth and Blood” by Sarah J. Maas (btw it took me forever to write the review even though I loooved the book) I just could not pick up another book to read. No book held my interest past the first two chapters, it was frustrating to say the least. I don't know… sometimes I just read one book after another and then comes the worst book hangover ever!

So, a couple of weeks ago I re-watched Dracula Untold, which is one of my favorite vampire movies and for some reason this made me wonder, if my old Pottermore account was still active.

Vampires…Witches…Wizards… I don’t know how, but in my head it connected perfectly to the Harry Potter universe. I owed it to myself to retake the Sorting Hat quiz because if I was completely honest with myself, 10 years ago I answered the questions specifically to get into Gryffindor (I still got sorted into Hufflepuff but whatever). This time I decided to answer truthfully, so of course I ended up in Slytherin, which is no surprise to me at all! It's more my vibe than Hufflepuff and I definitely prefer the color green over yellow, so I'm kind of happy that I got into Slytherin. Also, their Common Room is way cooler… I mean it’s under the Black Lake and you can look at the lake creatures through the windows. I also like the dark and moody vibe more than any of the other houses because it's definitely more my personality, than the happy-sunshine-yellow of Hufflepuff. Everyone who knows me can attest to that.

It's safe to say that I've been positively obsessed lately, which I haven't felt this degree of obsession since Deathly Hallows came out.

So, let me tell you... once I fell into the Harry Potter fanfiction rabbit hole I am neither able nor willing to get out of it. Mostly I've been reading Draco and Hermione centered stories, which are my favorite by far.

At that point I was just completely happy that something held my interest long enough to finish reading it. So, after reading a couple of fan fiction stories/novels I decided to write a review about them because… why not?! It’s still reading… and this is a book blog…

So the first one I read was called The Right Thing to Do (by Lovesbitca8), where Draco and Hermione have been pining for each other since their fourth year at Hogwarts. After the war with Voldemort the reputation of the Malfoy family is in shambles. While Lucius is rotting away in Azkaban, Draco tries to repair the social standing of his family and he and enlists the help of Hermione to do that. It really feels right to me to read about Draco and Hermione falling in love because even while reading the original books I never really felt Ron and Hermione, you know?! I don't know but I just didn't think that they were really right for each other… they never gave me the feeling that they were completely in love or crazy about one another. I have been a Harry and Ginny shipper since The Chamber of Secrets but Ron and Hermione…?! Not so much. It almost felt like they were an afterthought for J.K. Rowling... like 'Oh, let's put them together because they're the only two left. They can be a couple...why not?'

Anyway… it's really worth reading because it's sweet and a bit spicy and just nice. There's also a second book called All the Wrong Things, which is the same story as the first one, only from Draco’s POV, which I personally preferred.

The second book I read is called breath mints/battle scars (by Onyx_and_Elm) and it's completely different than the first. This one also takes place after the war with Voldemort and both Draco and Hermione have PTSD, especially Hermione. Even though she tries to cope with everything, she just has a really hard time and that's where Draco comes in and helps her. I'd say this one is more spicy than the first but it's oh so worth it… the only thing I didn't really like about this book is the ending. It's not a bad ending, it's just not one that's in any way believable to me, but I guess that's the beauty of fanfiction… there are a million different stories for our favorite characters in this vast and beautiful Harry Potter universe and there are also a million different endings to these stories… so there's something for everyone. It's just that I, personally, wasn't on board with it... it just seemed to me like this wasn't something that particular character would ever do, you know? BTW I am trying really hard to keep all these stories spoiler-free.

So there you go... so far these are my favorite fanfiction stories set in the Harry Potter universe. That list will definitely expand more because I'm kinda into it now. I have never really had any interest in that before (stupid, i knooow), always strictly keeping to the canon but I like expanding my horizon in a way. Who knows maybe someday I'll write my own.

P.S. Since I didn't know what picture to use and obviously I can't use any official Harry Potter photos, I decided to use the picture of a watercolor painting I did a couple of years ago of Hogwarts. It goes without saying that this is just my artistic take on Hogwarts and Buckbeak, I do not own any characters and names related to the Harry Potter franchise.


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