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Hi and welcome to my little corner on the internet!

Who am I?

My name is Ivy and I’m a 28-year old book obsessed girl from Austria. When I was 12 I read my first book, which was… you guessed it… Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I read it in record time and so started my obsession with reading and all things book related. Since then I have been losing myself in magical worlds and living in alternate realities, where happily ever afters exist and the good guys always win. But the magical world of Harry Potter will always have a special place in my heart. From time to time I like to go back and immerse myself into that world again because it’ll always feel like coming home to me.

Of course, over the years my taste in books has changed. I went from reading strictly fantasy novels to slowly making my way into the romance genre, one book at a time. 

I still love to read fantasy but on my blog I mostly review and talk about books in the romance genre, paranormal or contemporary. Doesn’t really matter to me, as long as it’s gripping and makes me feel. That’s the most important thing to me. It has to invoke some kind of feeling, even if it’s anger or frustration because ultimately that means that I care about the characters, their development and the storyline. Those are the books I love most, the ones that make my heart beat faster in anticipation one moment and make me swoon in the next. 

Even though these days I like my books a bit sexier with hot, possessive Alpha heroes and feisty, independent heroines, I do love to branch out from time to time into other genres. If you’re interested in what my criteria are for picking the books I read and how I rate them, you can visit the My Rating System page, where I go into detail about it. 

I have played with the thought of starting a book blog for years at this point but always dismissed it, either because I didn’t have the time or because I was insecure. Even though 99% of the books I read are in English and I understand and speak the language well, my main language is still German. So why not start a German book blog you might ask? Well, my favourite authors publish their books in English and I just don’t want to wait months for a German translation when I don’t have to. Also, I don’t want to limit myself to a German-only audience.


With that said, I hope you’ll enjoy browsing through my blog. If you have any book recommendations you can always share those with me on any of my social media. 

Happy reading!

About Me

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